Recent Mold Remediation Before & After Photos

Vapor Blitz II for Mold and Soot Damage.

When you have special items that you do not want to have thrown away your insurance company will allow us to use specialty equipment. Most of the time insurance... READ MORE

If Find Mold In Your Home

Mold can be found in every home no matter where you live. The mold spores themselves are microscopic and cannot be seen with the naked eye. However, when moistu... READ MORE

Mold Growth 48 Hours After Water Loss

Water Loss in Johnstown, PAWhen a home suffers a pipe break it is imperative to call a remediation company right away. The main reason to mitigate water damage ... READ MORE

Mold Cleanup In Home Damaged By Water

Anytime you have moisture that is left for too long, you will run the risk of developing a mold problem. In the case of this home that suffered a severe water l... READ MORE

Large Mold And Water Loss

This home had a lot of mold growing in it due to an extremely severe water loss situation. Our team arrived at the home quickly and got to work immediately on r... READ MORE

Mold Removal In Church

In these images, you can see a church that our team was tasked with cleaning and repairing after they developed serious mold problem due to a heavy water loss. ... READ MORE